Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Before I dive into this, I should give you guys some of my musical background:

-I've been a singer for as long as I can remember. This means that I've been a part of an embarrassing number of choirs, competitions, and musicals. This also means that, somewhere in cyber-land, there is a video of me as Gabriella from High School Musical.
-I'm currently in the Lehigh Melismatics A Cappella Ensemble. We're awesome.
-I know the basics of a lot of instruments including piano, clarinet, and bass, but primarily play guitar.
-In addition to my Global Studies and Interdisciplinary Film and Communications Majors, I'm a Music Industry minor.
-This past summer I interned at Warner Music Group, the third largest record company in the world.

Music has been the most constant and most important thing in my life; so rest assured that, in this blog, I will not lead you astray.

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