Once upon a time, I had no concept of what good music was. In 3rd grade I fantasized about growing up and having a singing career just like Britney Spears. In 6th grade, my favorite artist was Ja Rule. I went through about a dozen phases before I finally started to develop an idea of what music should sound like.
At the end of 7th grade, I stumbled upon a band called The Starting Line. They were like a breath of fresh air. I had never really listened to a "band" before, and I loved the fact that these four guys were responsible for such a big, energetic sound. I quickly ushered in my pop-punk, "scene", three-studded belt wearing phase, and I loved every minute of it.
I travelled far and wide to see The Starting Line play. My two bests friends at the time - Monica from Long Island, and Ben from Boston - both loved TSL too, and they would come to New Jersey every year to catch their Christmas show in Sayreville. I went to the very first Bamboozle just to see them play. I even went got lost in Philly for three hours with Monica a few years ago to watch them play one last time before their hiatus.
So, what's the big deal? They're just a mediocre pop-punk band with a typical sound and bland lyrics. Well, first of all, never say that to me again. And second of all, The Starting Line was my game changer. Because of The Starting Line, I started paying attention to song structure and lyrics. Because of The Starting Line I picked up the guitar. Because of The Starting Line I started going to shows, and haven't stopped since. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have become the music-lover I am today. No matter what, I will always pledge allegiance. TSL for life.
"Best of Me"
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