Hello, my dear friends with incredible taste in music! It's been a while, I know. Want to know why? It's because I'm in Sydney, Australia. Yep, that's right! I'm on the other side of the world. But that would never stop me from bringing you top quality music updates!
I've got some pretty big news for you, my loyal readers. I've landed myself a pretty amazing job. The dream job, actually. I am currently interning at Rolling Stone Australia. Is this real life?!
I've only been there for two weeks, but I'm working with the editorial team. I do research, transcribe interviews, write album reviews, and may even get to interview some bands. This is no coffee and filing job - I am actually going to PUBLISHED in Rolling Stone. Somebody pinch me!
I'm hoping to revive this blog in some way. In case you didn't realize, my MP3 sharing - the heart and soul of any decent music blog - crashed and burned. My music host shut down, and I simply ran out of options. I'm looking into purchasing a domain so I can get back into the swing of things, but in the mean time I'm going to do the best I can. I can't exactly give you updates from Rolling Stone Australia's end, you'll have to buy the magazine for that :) But you will be hearing from me, I promise!
In the mean time, here's a band I've been listening to a lot lately. New Okkervil River, "I Am Very Far Away" drops this May!